3. Initial Operation
Setting up your Garden Pump:
The site must be firm and solid in order to ensure safe and sturdy
operating conditions for the pump.
Position the pump at a safe distance (min. 2 m) from the liquid
to be pumped.
Connecting hose
Don’t use any hose connection system fittings on the suction side!
to suction side:
A vacuum-resistant suction hose must be used
e.g. GARDENA Suction Unit,
art. no. 1411
In order to reduce the suction time, it is advisable to use a suction
hose with backflow preventer avoiding automatic draining of the
suction hose when the pump is stopped.
1. Screw a vacuum-resistant suction hose airtight onto the con-
on the suction side of the pump
2. For suction heights exceeding 4 m also secure the suction
(e.g. by fastening it to a wooden post).
This relieves the pump of the weight of the suction hose.
Connection hose
The two pumps 3000/4 Jet and 3500/4 Jet are equipped with
to delivery side:
2 connections
on the pressure side. The rear pump
is closed with a cap that can be unscrewed to
connect 2 hoses.
The pump connections
are equipped with a 33.3 mm (G 1“)
thread which can be used to connect 13 mm (1/2“), 16 mm (5/8“)
or 19 mm (3/4“) hoses via the GARDENA hose connection system.
Best results regarding the delivery capacity of the pump are
achieved when connecting 19 mm (3/4”) hoses in conjunction
with e.g.
• GARDENA Pump Connection Set,
art. no. 1752
or when using 25 mm (1”) hoses with fittings available from your
sanitary dealer.
Connect the pressure hose to the connector
on the delivery
With parallel connection of more than 2 (3000/3 Jet more than 1)
hoses/watering accessories we recommend the use of
• GARDENA Twin-Tap Connectors or Four-Channel Water
art. no. 1210/1194
which can be screwed directly onto the connection on the
pressure side