Guide for removing the G-series calibrating oil from Gardco viscosity cups
Any remaining material in the cup must be removed by fl ushing with a suitable solvent. Light
naphtha, heptane, octane, highly aromatic solvents, and or any other petroleum-derived hydrocarbon
solvent can be used. Varsol® is a commercial solvent that works very well for this purpose.
Completely dry the viscosity cup with a lint free cloth. Use a highly volatile solvent for a second
cleaning as since any remaining hydrocarbon solvents from the fi rst process will evaporate quickly after
the sample has been fl ushed from the cup. Hypersolve, MEK and Alcohol can be used in aluminum
cups and Hypersolve and Alcohol for the stainless steel cups. Acetone is commonly used as the second
solvent because of its high volatility and its ability to dissolve traces of petroleum solvents and water.
In the third process a low velocity stream of clean air will be suffi cient to evaporate remaining traces
of any volatile solvent. Be aware, avoid rapid evaporation of these solvents as this can cool the surface
to such an extent that humid air may be brought below the dew point, causing a fi lm of water to form
on the cup.
Varsol is a registered trademark of the Exxon Company.
Paul N. Gardner • • (954) 946-9454