OC-G-5646-2-ET OLED Lighting Controllers - User Manual
The m axim um output power for OC-G-5646-2-ET is 30W per channel.
The following tim ings and r estr ictions ar e applied whenever settings
ar e saved (using the
com m and).
Continuous M ode
The m axim um output cur r ent is 2A per channel.
Sw itched M ode
The m axim um delay fr om a tr igger input changing to the output
cur r ent being tur ned on or off is 10
s. The m axim um output cur r ent is
10A per channel.
Pulse M ode
The m axim um output cur r ent is 10A per channel. For high cur r ent
pulses the following lim its apply:
Pulse current
Pulse length limit
1m s
2m s
5m s
For pulse widths less than appr oxim ately 4us, the output voltage and
cur r ent cannot be m easur ed. Because of this, fault detection is
disabled and the following r estr ictions apply:
For pulse cur r ents gr eater than 0.5A, the duty cycle is r estr icted
to 1%.
For pulse cur r ents less than or equal to 0.5A, the duty cycle
r estr icted to 10%.