the 2:1 frequency limits. The 2:1 bandwidth on 20 meters should be 250 kHz minimum. Find the center of the
If you desire to move the center of a band you can by loosening the stainless steel hose clamp on the Super
“C” mast and changing the position of the basket relative to the collector grid. Raising the basket 1” should increase
the center frequency approximately 70 KHZ. To lower the frequency lower the basket. Yes lower the basket!
Continue the measurement process on 17m, 15m, 12m and 10 meters remember to switch both the selector knob
on the Super “C” switch box as well as your transceiver.
Using an antenna tuner when the vswr is less than 2:1 is permitted. Remember an antenna tuner does not tune
the antenna but stops the reflected R.F. from reaching the transmitter and causing a power reduction in the
transmitter’s output.
Antenna Characteristics
Operating Bands -
20m, 17m,15m, 12m and 10
Bandwidth @
2:1 - 250 kHz 20 meters >1.4 mHz 10 meters
Full band 17,15,12
Antenna Type -
E field dominant vertically polarized
Radials -
Size -
1/6 of ¼ wave vertical
Switch line radiation -
Signal Performance -
exceeds typical full size ¼ vertical
Feed line radiation -
Earth loss -
Approaching zero on the ground
Allowance Input Power -
100 watts max. AM-FM-RTTY
200 watts SSB with minimal compression
Elevation Angle -
less than conventional vertical
Efficiency - > 90%