Frame Shoulder Support Adjustment
The shoulder supports are designed to rotate
and can be adjusted to provide maximum
support to the racquet frame. Rotate the
support so that the pads contact the frame
squarely when the arms are closed against
the racquet. Should the shoulder supports
block string holes, adjust the frame support
slides to re-position the racquet between the
arms so the shoulder supports make contact
with the racquet between grommet holes.
Mounting Stand Adjustment
To adjust the spacing between the mount-
ing stands, turn one of the knobs located
at either end of the turntable. There is an
arrow on the face of each knob indicat-
ing the turning direction that will “Tighten”
the mounting points and move the mount-
ing stands further apart to bring the posts
of the frame support slides closer to
the inside surface of the racquet head.
Turning the knobs in the opposite direc-
tion will move the mounting stands clos-
er together. When mounting a racquet, adjust the mounting stand spacing until the
posts of the frame support slides fit inside the head of the racquet. Lower the racquet
over the posts and adjust the mounting stands until the posts just make contact with
the inside surface of the racquet head at its center points located at 6 and 12 o’clock.
Adjusting the Frame Support Slide
Center the racquet over the mounting
stands. Press the quick release button
on the mounting stand, located below the
shoulder support knob, and lock the frame
support slide into one of the three positions
depending on the shape and head size of
the racquet. For larger head sizes position
the frame support closer to the mounting
stand and further away for smaller head
sizes. Check to make sure the quick re-
lease lock is fully seated in the groove on
the frame support hex shaft. Tighten the
frame supports on the racquet by turning
the mounting stand adjustment knob at ei-
ther end of the turntable until they are snug.