Exercise Fifteen: Gymnast Bar
Slip Training
In boxing, this is called slip rope training. Stand on one end with your shoulder
touching the bar and your hands at chest level in a boxing pose. Duck down,
while taking a lateral and forward step under the bar. Start with the foot that’s
next to the bar. Once on the other side, pop back up, then perform the same
movement to the other side. Repeat until you reach the end.
Advanced Option: Performing the same slip rope motion, add some boxing jabs
(ensuring clearance of the metal upright) as you move. Try moving forward and
backward. Welcome to slip-rope training!
Exercise Sixteen: Dual Chain Pods
Chain Climb
Grip the chain with both hands. Step up onto the first foot pod. This takes
balance and lots of different muscles to just maintain this position. Move up the
chain to the next pod and continue to the top. Reverse the motion until you reach
the ground.
Exercise Seventeen: Inverted Cargo Climb
Net Traverse
Facing the concave (top) side of the net, start on the lower end. Grip the net with
both hands, step up and begin to climb/traverse the net laterally, up to the high
end. Once there, traverse back and repeat.
Advanced Option: Facing the convex (underside) of the cargo net adds more
difficulty and requires a stronger grip. It also offers a more challenging foot
placement and movement path. Grip the net with both hands, step up and begin
to climb/traverse the net laterally, up to the high end. Once there, traverse back
and repeat.
THRIVE Workouts