Coach's Corner: Running the option
An offense you see a lot of in college football is the
option. The quarterback can hand it off to a running back
diving up the middle by pressing the
button. If the QB
decides to keep it, he'll start running to the outside (like
on a pitch or toss play) and then it's decision time once
again. The quarterback needs to read the linebacker and
either keep the ball, or pitch it to the running back by
pressing the Black button. Option plays are colored
yellow in your playbook.
Running the ball will get you yards by the handful, but
it is the passing game that will get you yards by the
bunches. Be careful though, if you throw the ball up
for grabs the momentum of the game can turn in a
heartbeat. One of the most deflating things for a team
is seeing a cornerback intercept a pass and streak down
the sidelines for a touchdown.
Any button . . . . . . . . . . .Pass to that receiver
(double tap to fake)
White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pump fake
Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Throw the ball away
Coach's Corner: Set your feet!!!
Having problems completing passes? You probably
aren't giving your players the best chance. Most real
players can't wing the ball downfield while on the run;
they need to plant their feet before they throw. So make
sure you do the same when you are playing the game.
Stop moving for just a moment and your completion
percentage will go up.