There are several ways to move the ball on the ground.
Here are some key terms to help you keep the offense
moving forward.
Draw . . . . . . . . A delayed run up the middle. Draw
plays work well against a blitzing
Dive . . . . . . . . . This is the forte of the power back. The
ball carrier takes the ball and plows right
up the gut. Get to the hole quickly; if you
can make it through the line you will be
running free through the secondary.
Counter . . . . . . Works great against a defense that suffers
from over pursuit. The defense thinks the
play is going one way, but the ball carrier
goes the other way. This only works if your
offense can really sell the fake.
Trap . . . . . . . . . The trap play is designed to suck the
linebackers into the wrong hole. Get the
linebacker where you want him and the
trap play will work well.
Pitch / Toss. . . . If you've got a speedy running back, get
him to the corner in a hurry with the
pitch or toss play.
Coach's Corner: Spin City
NCAA 2K3's spin move feature might be a bit
different than you are used to. When you press the
button, you won't make the spin move right away -
it only preps your runner for contact. As soon as a
defender makes contact with the ball carrier, you'll
execute the spin move - hopefully leaving your
defender clutching nothing but air.