For the purposes of Co-Operative
play, available on split screen, Player
1 is responsible for all game settings.
Whether Player 2 is a newcomer
to the world of Kameo or an expert
gamer called in for support is entirely
up to you! Regardless, each player will
be granted their very own regiment of
Elemental Warriors and an incarnation
of Kameo with which to control them.
Use the Change Level option to
choose from the Co-Operative
battlegrounds on offer. These have
been carefully selected from some
of Kameo’s most intense struggles
against the Troll forces. But, you must
have completed the adventures in
single player before they are available
to you in Co-Operative split screen
play. A brief word of caution, however:
rushing headlong into a dangerous
situation, backed up only by Warriors
that you’ve yet to master in a Solo
Quest, may all too quickly prove your
undoing. Practice makes perfect…
Xbox Live
Build your profile (your gamer card). Chat with your friends.
Download content at Xbox Live Marketplace. Send and
receive voice and video messages. Get connected and
join the revolution.
Before you can use Xbox Live, connect your Xbox console
to a high-speed Internet connection and sign up to become
an Xbox Live member. For more information about
connecting, and to determine whether Xbox Live is
available in your region, go to www.xbox.com/live.
These easy and flexible tools enable parents
and caregivers to decide which games young game
players can access based on the content rating. For
more information, go to www.xbox.com/familysettings.
The Quest
Kameo would never shy from facing up to her destiny
alone, and she’s certainly got all the grit and determination
she’ll ever need—but all the same, it’s sometimes good to
have an element of companionship and camaraderie when
you’re breezing into battle with those rampaging Trolls. This is
where the Co-Operative side of the adventure comes in.
I don’t want
the two of you
over the Wotnot,
so I’ve decided to
make an executive
decision: Player 1
will be wholly
responsible for the
Book during
Co-Operative play.
That includes
everything from
reading up on the
Elemental Warriors
to pestering me for
hints. And before
you start fighting
over the Player
1 controller, just
remember that the
name of the game is