Inventory Screen
O ACCESS the inventory screen,
ACCESS the inventory screen,
ACCESS the inventory screen,
ACCESS the inventory screen,
ACCESS the inventory screen, press the
press the
press the
press the
press the
BACK button on the controller
button on the controller
button on the controller
button on the controller
button on the controller.....
Elemental gems ... total
number of gems collected
Obsidians ... total number
of obsidians collected
Keys ... those you
have discovered
Disc fragments - As you collect pieces
of the shattered elemental discs, they
are reassembled here. Each
elemental disc has four pieces.
Elemental powers - If you have the proper elements
activated in your staff, you may toggle the
elemental buttons on the controller and test
various elemental combinations on this screen
or in the training room.
Onscreen Information
The interface allows you to assess your health and combat
readiness via the onscreen indicators.
Your health may be replenished with health packs. If your
health is exhausted you will die.
If you have an elemental shield active, the bar next to the
health indicator displays the time or the uses of the shield that
remain—depending on the shield type.
The power in your Staff of the Elements is indicated by four
elemental ammunition bars: red represents Fire, blue Water,
green Earth, and yellow Air. These fuel levels may be
replenished by collecting fuel cells, and the maximum fuel
capacity of the staff may be increased by collecting elemental
Three levels of increasing elemental power are possible, and
these are noted by the three bubble indicators on each bar. As
you attain each level of power, the bubble indicators for that
element fill.
Do remember that you must
possess at least
one level of
power to use a particular
elemental power.
Power level
Shield Bar