Service manual
Ref. NR-000144-ENG
Product intake filters
Filter bodies are fitted with an inner mesh which prevents solid particles from entering the unit
and potentially interfering with the operation of the ball valves when the product is taken into the
unit. Filters should be inspected and cleaned daily as part of the power-up routine. Replace the
inner mesh if necessary.
Isocyanate is a product which crystallizes under the action of ambient humidity or freezing. To
minimize the risk of contaminating the isocyanate filter, make sure the product is properly stored
and decanted and the operating procedures are followed.
The isocyanate intake filter should be cleaned every day before starting the unit.
Do not clean the filter after stopping the unit.
To reduce the risk of absorption of
humidity and the possibility of contamination by reaction with the cleaning solvent,
begin spraying immediately after cleaning the filter.
To check the product intake filters, proceed as follows:
a) Disconnect the unit from the power supply and close the tap valve regulating the intake
of the product into the filter to be checked.
b) Place a suitable recipient underneath the filter to collect the product that comes out.
Carefully loosen the filter cap to allow the product to drain into the recipient. Unscrew
the cap completely.
c) Remove the gasket, the spring and the mesh and clean all components with the solvent
used for cleaning the gun. Dry the components and check there are no obstructions in
the mesh. All mesh orifices should be completely clear. Replace the mesh if over 10%
of its surface area is clogged.
d) Put the mesh, the spring, and the gasket back in place. Screw the cap in place.
e) Open the valve tap regulating the intake of product into the filter, check there are no
leaks and proceed with normal operations.