Service and installation manual - C.H. Water Boiler
© All rights reserved - Galmet Sp. z o.o. Sp. K.
In the feeder with a rotary retort the screw shaft (36) passes through the retort bend (33) and conveys driving force on the rotary combustion box using a
carrier (37) positioned outside the bend on the screw end. The retort rotary movement causes even combustion of the fuel from each side of the combustion
The feeder tube in the diagonal feeder is placed at an angle. The fuel fed by the screw located in the tube reaches the retort via the open angle bend. Thanks
to this solution smaller force is required to push the fuel into the combustion box, which allows for burning the eco-pea coal with different fraction sizes and
results in less frequent breaking of the overload breaker.
We kindly request you to acquaint yourselves with the detailed instruction manual of the feeder!
2.3. Boiler equipment
The boiler equipment comprises:
- a set of documents (guarantee cards, instruction manuals),
- a cleaning set
- an ash drawer,
- a weather sensor
- a set of sensors and wires,
- an analogue thermometer,
- 4 pcs of feet (concerning only the boilers with a diagonal feeder installed).
3. Controller
The boiler is provided with a microchip eLider controller (47) providing full control of safe and economical boiler operation and adjustment of the combustion
process. Thanks to the PID algorithm it can smoothly modulate the boiler output depending on heat reception.
It receives signals from:
- central heating boiler body temperature sensor (48)
- household hot water tank temperature sensor
- external temperature sensor
- valve sensor
- return sensor
- feeder tube overheating sensor (49)
- boiler overheating sensor (50)
- bin damper opening sensor (51)
- fan
The controller operates:
- boiler output (by changing of feeding time and feeder interval)
- fan blowing force
- central heating pump operation
- household hot water pump operation
- household hot water circulation pump operation
- operation of a mixing valve actuator
Optional additional equipment that the controller co-works with:
- room panel
- internet module
- mixing valve module
Prior to starting up the boiler the controller should be configured for the particular boiler output and for the external equipment it is supposed to co-work
with. The kind of fuel has to be input with its calorific value (see page 8 in the controller instruction manual for details).
Detailed information:
- safety (page 28 of the controller instruction manual); - settings (page 12 of the controller instruction manual); - alarms (page 29 of the controller
instruction manual).
2. Technical specification / 4. Controller