Guide to Your Galileo Organ, v.1.0
presses, and not retriggered until all the keys are let go. In the ALWAYS position,
percussion is triggered by each new key the player presses, regardless of whether
other keys are already engaged.
Scanner Vibrato / Chorus
Galileo includes an emulated scanner vibrato / chorus stage. In addition to
producing a modulation effect, the scanner will also slightly change the tonal
characteristics of the organ to replicate the behavior of a physical scanner circuit.
Use the VIB LOW and VIB UP toggles to turn on the scanner for the lower and upper
manuals, respectively. Turning on VIB LOW also connects the pedal manual to the
scanner stage.
Use the VC knob to select the intensity of the vibrato / chorus effect. V1-‐V3 produce
a small to wide vibrato, whereas C1-‐C3 produce a mild to deep chorus effect as the
numbers increase.
Other Settings
Use the BALANCE fader to control the volume balance between the upper and lower
Use the PEDAL VOL to control the volume of the pedal manual.
Use the KEYCLICK knob to set the loudness of the keyclick effect.
Use the BRILLIANCE knob to set the brightness of the organ output. Turn the KNOB
towards 0 to increasingly roll off the high end, mimicking the effect of aging filter
capacitors on the organ’s tone.
Use the DB LEAK knob to specify the amount of signal leak from the drawbars.
Use the TW LEAK knob to specify the amount of tonewheel leakage into the pure
organ signal. Tonewheel and drawbar leakage were behaviour encountered in some
electro-‐magnetic organs.
Use the SWELL and SUSTAIN knobs to specify the attack and release times for each
note. Higher SWELL values correspond to a slower attack, whereas higher SUSTAIN
values correspond to a slower release, where the note lingers on after the
corresponding key has been released. You can use the UP/LO/PL selector to
individually set attack and release for each manual.
Use the COUPLE MANUALS toggle to turn on manual coupling. With this feature
turned on, a note played in any manual is simultaneously played on all the other
manuals. This creates a fuller, unison effect.