Guide to Your Galileo Organ, v.1.0
Recording, Sharing, and Metronome
To start an audio recording, simply touch the REC button. The switch will glow red,
indicating that the recorder is on. Touch again to stop. The recording will
automatically be saved to a file.
You can browse and select recordings on the table on the left. Press the NAME, SIZE
or DATE cells to sort recordings by that parameter, either ascending or descending.
To play an audio file, select it on the table; its name will appear on the screen to the
right of the table. To rename the selected audio file, touch its name in the screen
area on the right.
To change the position of the selected audio, use the “scrub” below the recording’s
title. Use the LOOP switch to specify whether the audio loops or stops when its end
is reached. Use the VOL knob to set the output volume of the playback.
Use the EXPORT and IMPORT buttons to display audio file sharing options. As of the
writing of this document, Galileo is able to share your recordings via email, WiFi,
SoundCloud (SoundCloud user account required), Intua Audio Copy/Paste, and
Sonoma Audio Copy/Paste.
The recording settings are found in the REC PREFS area. Use the REC COUNT-‐IN
toggle to enable metronome count-‐in when a recording has been started. When
enabled, the recording will automatically start after the metronome goes through
the number of specified measures, and will stay on throughout the recording unless
manually turned off. Use the FIXED-‐LENGTH RECORDING button to only record the
specified number of measures. Use the TOUCH-‐TRIG toggle to force a recording to
start only when the first note is triggered.
Metronome & BPM
Use the TAP TEMPO control to tap in a desired BPM. Use the up down buttons next
to TAP to change the BPM at increments of 1 (touch) or 10 (touch down and hold).
Use BEAT COUNT and BEAT VALUE to specify a time signature, and the VOL fader to
set the metronome volume.
Galileo can be used as an input into or as an effects processor in an Audiobus
To use Galileo as an input source in Audiobus, simply add Galileo into the Audiobus
INPUT slot.
To use Galileo as an effects processor, add Galileo into the Audiobus EFFECTS slot.