Metric ruler referenced in the preparation step.
5/16" hex wrench (supplied) for armboard mounting / overhang adjustment
Gavia Armboard (standard with Gavias and Seracs)
Armboard is 7/8” tall
3/8" stainless steel socket head fixing/pivot bolt and washer
Gavia Armboard
Armboard spacing pillar (1/2" tall disk)
Stelvio Armboard (standard with Stelvio turntable and optional for other
Armboard is 1.400” tall with damping cylinder bolted to its underside
3/8" stainless steel socket head fixing/pivot bolt and washer
Stelvio Armboard
2" stainless washer
Your board will have been drilled for your tonearm. This step varies depending
on your tonearm.
Your Triplanar Stelvio armboard will be shipped with the three Triplanar fixing
bolts and washers installed on the armboard. Do not use the longer screws in
the Triplanar hardware kit.
Mount the Armboard to the Turntable Base
Insert the 3/8" stainless pivot bolt and washer into the counterbored hole in
the front of the armboard.
Place the 2" diameter stainless washer (Stelvio armboard) or 1/2” tall spacer
(Gavia armboard) on the turntable base over the rear mounting hole.
Position the armboard onto the base and pass the pivot bolt through the
washer/spacer. Tighten the pivot bolt with the 5/16” hex key.
Leave the bolt loose enough so that you can rotate the armboard in fine
increments. If you've adjusted the pivot bolt tightness correctly, the armboard
should rotate very smoothly
Now is a good time to practice rotating the armboard in small increments - the
sort that would change the pivot to spindle distance by perhaps 1/2 mm.
This will give you a feel for how loose to leave the pivot bolt as well as the
sensitivity to movement of this adjustment - before mounting your cartridge.
If you choose to use alignment method #2 below in order to adjust the
overhang, you will be performing these fine rotations in order to align your
Rotate the armboard counterclockwise until the cylindrical damping chamber
is about 1/4” (6 mm) from the turntable base.
This is an approximate starting point
.Measure the pivot to spindle distance to 233.5 mm.