Essentially, the water massage consists of a mixture of water and air bubbles being pumped through jets
located in the sides of the bathtub and on the back if the bathtub is equipped with back water massage.
The water is aspirated directly from inside the bathtub through the suction rose. The air is taken from the
atmosphere and passes through an control device. The water and air reach the jets separately and
become mixed together by means of Venturi effect aspiration.
The action of the air bubbles on the body has been proven to be highly beneficial for the health. The
following effects are particularly worth mentioning:
• Stimulates and improves skin hygiene and cardiovascular circulation.
• Generally improves capillary and lymph circulation.
• Tones the muscles and oxygenates the skin.
• It is specially recommended in case of muscular pains, lumbago, arthritis, postoperative recoveries,
stress and general states of fatigue.
The effects of the hydromassage are determined by the following factors:
- Ergonomic design of the hydromassage bathtub:
In each model of bathtub the position of the jets
has been studied so as to massage key body areas.
- Duration:
It is recommended that the duration of the hydromassage bath should not exceed 30
- Temperature:
The temperature of the bath can vary between 30º C and 39º C:
• Cold bath (30-35º C). For mainly invigorating effects.
• Warm bath (36-37º C). For relaxing baths.
• Hot bath (38-39º C). For muscular or osteopathic applications.
- Proportion of air:
In general the proportion of air in the water jet has the following effects:
• Greater proportion of air: invigorating effects.
• Lesser proportion of air: relaxing effects.
- Salts and essences:
There are many products on the market with different properties and effects on
the organism. Gala recommends its customers to consult qualified professionals about their specific
needs, the possible counter-indications of the hydromassage or the advisability of using a particular
essence, gel or salt.
The Gala hydromassage is also highly recommended for aromatherapy baths, where “essential oils” are
used. The application of the hydromassage, with pressurized water directed at the body, favours the
penetration of these essential oils in the organism. This property is reinforced by the positive influence of
the pleasant aroma of the oils, as the most volatile substances contained in them are released by the
effect of the heat.
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User's manual