The phone is not working
1 Phone not responding to 1234stat0 request via SMS:
a With handset removed from cradle is there a dial tone indicating the unit is
ready to make a call or pulsing dial tone indicating no network connectivity?
b With the case front removed check if any of the internal indicator lights are
illuminated, if not, lift handset from cradle, do indicator lights come on? If
yes see Indicator functions under section ‘Testing the wireless module’ and
the various FUNCTION and ERROR Light scenarios below;
c Check the unit is switched on by pressing the On/Off button, see section ‘To
switch on and test’.
d If still no Indicator Lights on, check the unit is connected to an external DC
power source. If necessary check the input voltage is in the range 9V to
e If it is known no external DC power source is connected check the internal
battery is physically connected and if necessary check the terminal voltage
coming from the battery pack is greater than 3.75V. If the voltage is below
this value the unit could be in auto-shut off mode and the internal battery
will need to be charged. Connect the external DC power source and allow
the battery to charge for a minimum of 30 minutes, full charge will take in
excess of 5 hours.
f If there is no voltage present across the internal battery terminals check if
the in line battery fuse has been blown? If the fuse has blown, check the
internal battery leads have been connected with the correct polarity, if not
remedy and replace the in line battery fuse assembly. NOTE: This assembly
is a safety component and MUST ONLY be replaced with the correct in line
fuse assembly from GAI-Tronics Ltd.
ERROR light is permanently ON
a Check the SIM card has been installed and has been installed correctly,
see section ‘SIM insertion and connections’.
ERROR light flashing Long/Fast
a This indicates the SIM card is locked and a PIN code is required to unlock
it. The PIN code can only be entered via the USB connection using the
command: AT+CPIN
FUNCTION and ERROR lights flashing Long/Fast
a This indicates the SIM card is blocked and a PUK code is required from the
service provider to unblock. The PUK code can only be entered via the USB
connection using the command: AT+CPIN
b Alternatively, to check the operation of the installation, try another SIM card,
remembering to switch off before changing the SIM and to switch on, once
complete, to initialise the unit and new SIM correctly.