Pub. 42004-404G
Models 10959-207 and -208 Rack-Mount Audio Messenger Interface
Page 18 of 21
P:\Standard IOMs - Current Release\42004 Instr. Manuals\42004-404G.docx
LCD Display during Operation
The LCD uses various symbols to indicate AMI activity:
The VU meter indicates the volume of a page playing.
Mute indicates the page audio is muted.
Progress bar indicates remaining time for the party line connection timeout.
Telephone handset indicates the AMI unit is being accessed via a telephone connection.
Microphone indicates a page from the auxiliary jack.
Off hook indicates that a digital input designated as party line off hook is active.
Right/left arrows indicate transmit and receive activity on the auxiliary jack or external RS-485.
Text display (scrolling) displays current system status, such as the name of the current message
playing, telephone connection status, and party connection status.
Rotating slash, when visible, indicates the AMI has a lower priority message pending, ready to be