To de-scale the machine, carry out the following procedure:
. Mix the de-scaling agent with water according to manufacturer’s instructions and pour
the mix into the machine’s water tank.
. Place a suitable receptacle under the steam wand.
3. Press the ON/OFF button and wait until the heating process is completed, i.e. when the
light () illuminates steadily.
4. Turn the knob and dispense a cup of hot water. Turn off the machine by the ON/OFF
button and leave in the de-scaling agent for about 0-5 minutes. Repeat steps 3 and 4
until the full amount of de-scaling mix has been ejected.
5. When the de-scaling procedure is complete, turn the knob clockwise to the stop and
turn OFF the machine.
. Sllightly lift the water tank and remove it from the machine.
7. Thoroughly rinse the water tank, fill it under running water and reinstall it to the machine.
. Press the ON/OFF button to turn ON the machine and wait until the light () illuminates
9. Place a receptacle of adequate capacity under the steam wand.
0. Turn the knob until /3 of the water has been dispensed.
. Return the knob to the zero position and allow the machine to reach its operating
temperature again.
. Use the knob again to dispense the remaining amount of water.
3. Do not forget to return the knob to the off position at the end by turning it clockwise!
14. The final step of the de-scaling process consists in letting hot water flow through the
capsule holder. To do this, simply follow the standard procedure for making caffè lungo,
with the capsule holder installed but with no coffee capsule in it.