background image

to dispose of it, it should be taken to the proper collection 

point for recycling electrical and electronic appliances. 

When you dispose of this product correctly, you help 

prevent potential negative consequences for the 

environment and health, which could derive from improper 

treatment of the product. For more detailed information 

on recycling this product, contact the municipal office, 

the local waste disposal service or the shop where it 

was purchased.

The standard warranty period for the hair straighteners 

we market is 24 months in compliance with European 

Directive 1999/44/EC.

The professional warranty period for hair straighteners 

that are used at beauty salons and for any other professional 

purposes is 12 months from the date of purchase.

In both cases, the warranty shall be valid upon presentation 

of the proof of purchase consisting of original invoice 

or purchase ticket indicating the date of purchase and 

product type. Such proof must be legible, full and 



This appliance is designed with a protective coating around the heating coils. When plugged in and operated 

for the first time, there may be a momentary burning smell. This occurs when the coating around the heating 

element is heated for the first time. This is not dangerous for the user and does not indicate a defect in the 

unit. When using the appliance for the first time, keep it working until the smell dissipates. Smoke dissipates 

after about 30 seconds.

· Plug the appliance into the power outlet.

· Turn on the hair straightener by pressing the     button for a few seconds.

· The hair straightener will reach the lowest temperature of 190°C in just a few seconds.

· Use the (+) and (-) buttons to select the desired working temperature from 150°C up to 230°C: the digital

  display will show information about temperature progress. Temperature rises by 20°C each time you press

  the button.

· Turn off the hair straightener by pressing the     button.

· Unplug the appliance from the power outlet.

· Let the hair straightener cool before putting it back in its case.
BUTTON LOCK SYSTEM (locks the buttons)

The Button-Lock system locks the buttons after the temperature is selected. In this way, accidentally pressing 

the buttons will not change the working temperature while the hair straightener is in use.

To activate the Button-Lock system:



Summary of Contents for KERATION X-WIDE DIGITAL

Page 1: ......

Page 2: ...ontenenti acqua 3 Staccare l apparecchio dalla spina quando spento perch la vicinanza all acqua potrebbe rappresentare una minaccia porre particolare attenzione quando lo si utilizza nel bagno 4 Evita...

Page 3: ...porlo in luogo sicuro Per scollegarlo estrarre il cavo dalla spina 11 Se si desidera pulire l apparecchio staccarlo dalla presa di corrente e lasciarlo raffreddare Per la pulizia non utilizzare prodot...

Page 4: ...amento inadeguato del prodotto Per informazioni pi dettagliate sul riciclaggio di questo prodotto contattare l ufficio comunale il servizio locale di smaltimento rifiuti o il negozio in cui stato acqu...

Page 5: ...pulsanti dopo la selezione della temperatura Cos facendo una pressione accidentale degli stessi non varier la temperatura di lavoro durante l utilizzo della piastra Per attivare il sistema Button Loc...

Page 6: ...ause proximity to water could pose a threat be extra careful when using it in the bathroom 4 Do not use this electric appliance if it has been in contact with liquids if its electric cord is damaged o...

Page 7: ...ended purpose 13 For additional protection the installation of a residual current device RCD having a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 mA is advisable in the electrical circuit supply...

Page 8: coils When plugged in and operated for the first time there may be a momentary burning smell This occurs when the coating around the heating element is heated for the first time This is not dangero...

Page 9: ...Make sure that the appliance is completely dry before using it STORAGE After use unplug the power cord and put it in a dry place once cooled Do not wind the electric cord around the appliance Never h...

Page 10: ...surfaces sensibles la chaleur plastique tissus en vinyle etc 8 Ne pas tenir ni manipuler l appareil par le c ble viter d enrouler le c ble autour de l appareil de le plier et de le soumettre des tors...

Page 11: ...rveill s afin d viter qu ils ne jouent avec les produits Pour votre s curit cet appareil a t con u avec une double isolation Le symbole sur le produit ou l emballage indique qu il ne doit pas tre cons...

Page 12: ...chage num rique La temp rature peut tre augment e de 20 C la fois Pour teindre le fer lisser utiliser le bouton D brancher l appareil de la prise de courant Laisser refroidir le fer lisser avant de le...

Page 13: la toma de co rriente cuando se encuentre apagado ya que la cerca n a al agua podr a representar un riesgo prestar espe cial atenci n cuando se lo utiliza en el ba o 4 No utilizar este aparato el c...

Page 14: ...chufe de la toma de corriente el ctrica 11 Si se desea lim piar el aparato desenchufarlo de la toma de corriente el ctrica y dejarlo enfriar Para limpiar el aparato no utilizar productos agresivos que...

Page 15: ...amien to inadecuado del mismo Para m s informaci n sobre el reciclaje de este aparato contactar con la oficina municipal con el servicio local de desechos o con la tienda donde ha comprado el aparato...

Page 16: ...ducto es encendido los botones se encuentran desbloqueados y pueden ser utilizados para regular la temperatura Una vez seleccionada la temperatura deseada esperar 2 segundos y pulsar el bot n En el di...

Page 17: 3 Desconecte o aparelho da ficha quando estiver desligado porque a proximidade da gua pode representar uma amea a preste aten o especial quando o utilizar na casa de banho 4 Evite utilizar este apa...

Page 18: ...desligue o da tomada de corrente e deixe o esfriar Para a limpeza n o utilize produtos agressivos que contenham fenilfenol 12 Este produto deve ser utilizado somente para a finalidade para a qual foi...

Page 19: ...e cabelo vendidos para o p blico de 24 meses segundo quanto estabelecido pela Diretiva Europeia 1999 44 CE O prazo de garantia profissional para os alisadores de cabelos que s o utilizados nos sal es...

Page 20: ...s bot es carregando o bot o at o desaparecimento do cadeado de bloqueio DESLIGAMENTO AUTOM TICO Se o alisador permanecer ligado acidentalmente ap s os primeiros 60 minutos entrar em opera o o desligam...

Page 21: ...3 4 5 6 7 8 9 39 40...

Page 22: ...10 11 12 13 RCD 30 41 42...

Page 23: ...24 12 60 43 44...

Page 24: ...30 X WIDE DIGITAL KERATION 190 C 150 C 230 C 20 C BUTTONLOCK Button Lock Button Lock 2 60 www gamaprofessional ru 45 46...

Page 25: ...GAMA GAMA 1 2 3 4 5 6 47 48...

Page 26: ...7 8 9 10 11 12 13 RCD 30 mA 49 50...

Page 27: ...24 1999 44 51 52...

Page 28: ...12 30 X WIDE DIGITAL KERATION 190 C 230 C 150 C 20 C BUTTON LOCK Button Lock Button Lock 2 60 www gamaprofessional com 53 54...

Page 29: ...dzie ani innych cieczach 2 Nie u ywa urz dzenia w pobli u wanien k pielowych ani innych zbiornik w z wod 3 Wyj wtyczk z urz dzenia je li jest ono wy czone poniewa blisko wody mo e stanowi zagro enie Z...

Page 30: ...dzenie po zako czeniu u ytkowania i poczeka na jego och odzenie przed od o eniem w bezpieczne miejsce W celu od czenia urz dzenia wyj kabel z wtyczki 11 W razie potrzeby oczyszczenia urz dzenia nale y...

Page 31: ...ngu W a ciwa utylizacja tego produktu pozwala unikn potencjalnych negatywnych konsekwencji dla rodowiska i zdrowia jakie mog wynika z nieodpowiedniego obchodzenia si z produktem Dok adniejsze informac...

Page 32: ...j temperatura robocza nie zmieni si Korzystanie z systemu Button Lock Gdy produkt jest w czony przyciski s odblokowane i mo na ich u ywa do regulacji temperatury Po wyborze po danej temperatury nale y...

Page 33: ...63 64 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 RCD 13 30 24 1999 44 CE 12 30 KERATION XWIDE DIGITAL 190 150 230 20...

Page 34: ...erfetta Visita The Hair Voice il nuovo blog di GAMA dedicato alla bellezza dei capelli ENTER THE NEW GAMA COMMUNITY Would you like to find out the latest news and get many useful tips for perfect hair...
