1. A regular cleaning to remove dust & dirt. A small soft brush will suffice.
2. .Approximately every 6 months remove the motor cover, clean with a soft brush and spray
inside the motor cover. Spray with a surface spray suitable for crawling insects, slugs and
3. Check Battery terminals for corrosion. If present, bushing with a wire brush or dipping the
actual terminals – ‘hot water’ will remove it. A light spray with WD40 will help keep them
4. Using a small screwdriver, tighten all terminal block screws and ensure any cables are not
frayed at the ends.
5. Ensure Receiver is firmly mounted.
6. Tighten all mounting and attachment bolts.
7. Check screws on Push Button covers are intact and tight.
8. If Photocells (Sensors) are fitted, remove covers and gently brush any cobwebs, etc. away.
Check operation and replace.
Finally, there is usually no substitute for good housekeeping. Ensuring the Motors and the
area around the Motors and Gates are free of rubbish, leaves, infestation of insects and
trimming of plants will help to give a long and trouble free life.
Should you be unsure of any points above, PLEASE contact us.
Unit 27 / 49 Corporate Boulevard Bayswater Vic 3153
Phone 1800 111 930
Email [email protected]
Web www.gforceautogates.com.au
© 2012 G Force Automatic Gates All Rights Reserved