Original Insgtructions
Rev. 00
.2018—In compliance with § 1.7.4 of the Machine Directive 2006/42/CE
G.B.C. Industrial Tools S.p.A.
Via Sandro Pertini 41/46 – 25046 Cazzago S.Martino (BS) – Italia – Tel. + 39 030 7451154 – Info: [email protected]
5) Take a new grinding disc and the shim stamped with the details of the same disc
thickness among those allowed by the technical specifications of the machine.
6) Insert the disc and the shim on the spindle guard as shown in the picture.
7) Insert the spindle guard coupled with the abrasive disc in place making sure to
match the internal hexagon pattern of the screws. N.B. To achieve a fast and correct
fixing of the grinding disc engage the other side of the spindle guard with the hook
wrench and leave it laying against the protection so that you can easily fasten the fi-
xing screw with one hand only.