Start by assemling the unit from its left. Push the top,
bottom and shelf (40 or 80 cm wide depending on your
layout) together with the left side. Put cam locks G in the
top, bottom and shelf pieces. The arrow on the cam lock
should be pointing towards the cam dowel screw. Turn
the cam lock using a screwdriver ca 180 degrees until it
grips and lock the cam dowel screw. The top should be
mounted with the cam locks facing up and the bottom
and the fixed shelf with the cam locks facing down.
If the unit is one section wide, push the right side together
with the rest of the frame. Fixate with cam locks.
If the unit has more than one section, push a middle piece
together with the rest of the frame. Fixate with cam locks.
Please note the pre drilled holes for hinges should be at
the front. Continue adding the sections from left to right.
Finish with the right side piece.
Low: Mount the decorative top. Place the decorative top
with the side you want visible facing down on the floor.
Place the unit upside down on top of the decorative top.
Measure all sides to get it in the middle. Fasten with screw
B in pre drilled countersunk holes.
Plinth: Place wooden dowels E in the back of the plinth in
the holes that match the bottom piece. The G.A.D label
should be facing forward. Push the plinth into place at the
front of the frame (to make room for a skirting board at
the back). Fasten with screw A.
Assemble the legs: Screw the legs to the crossbars by
placing wooden dowels E and Cam dowel screw F in the
legs. Push together the legs and the crossbars. Place Cam
lock G in the crossbars and tighten. Make sure the G.A.D
lable is at the front right.
Please observe that a unit with more than one section of
the same with (40 or 80 cm) may have crossbars of dif
ferent lenght. Side sections have slightly shorter crossbars
than a middle section.
Make sure the legs line up with side and middle pieces.
Put wooden dowels E in the top of the assembled leg-”fra
me” where the holes line up with the ones in the bottom
piece. Push the parts together and screw it in place using
screw A.
Mounting the back piece: Put the unit on the floor with
its back facing up. Place the back piece on the unit and
make sure it lines up with the sides and the bottom. The
side with the pencil lines should be turned up (to the
back). Nail the back piece in place using nails D along the
pencil lines.
Lift the unit up and put it in place.
High: The high model of Högklint must be anchord to the
wall. Use the angle bracket I. Fasten the angle bracket to
the top of the unit using screw C.
Decorative top
Side piece
Middle piece
Top piece
Top piece
Bottom piece
Bottom piece
377 or
797 mm
365 or
785 mm