Snap the small metal tag off the pots so
they can be mounted flush in the box. See
later in the document for tips on mounting.
Positive (anode) legs of the electrolytic
caps go to the square pads.
Negative (cathode) legs of the diodes go to
the square pads.
Be very careful when soldering the diodes
and LEDs. They’re very sensitive to heat.
You should use some kind of heat sink
(crocodile clip or reverse action tweezers)
on each leg as you solder them. Keep
exposure to heat to a minimum (under 2
seconds). Same goes for the ICs if you
aren’t using sockets.
You should solder all other board-
mounted components before you solder
the pots. Once they’re in place you’ll have
no access to much of the board.
Though we supply header pins with the
kit, there’s no reason you can’t attach the
two PCBs using ribbon cable or simply
wire. Totally up to you.
If you aren’t adding the charge pump
leave out C19-21, D14-15, IC1,
and place jumpers as shown below:
PCB layout ©2017 Pedal Parts Ltd.