ANIHEATER® is 100% waterproof (IPX9K) and is able to resist the power of a
pressure washing. It is therefore not necessary to remove the ANIHEATER®
when cleaning, which saves a lot of time in the stable.
WARNING! Wait 30 min. before cleaning or repairing ANIHEATER®
• Before the repair and maintenance of ANIHEATER®, ensure that the power is
off and the lamp has had a cooling time at least 30 minutes.
• ANIHEATER® is in 4 parts - Wire net protection - heater with eletric wire and
plastic block - Dish and lamp housing. All parts can be replaced.
• ANIHEATER® should not be used if ANIHEATER® have got injuries that have
left cracks / holes in ANIHEATER® / electric wire / connector / heater.
• Inspect ANIHEATER® for damage regularly, however at least every six months.
If the fault is within the warranty period, please contact your dealer.
1 year functionality warranty on ANIHEATER®, under normal use -
though not for any kind of bite in the wire.
Maintenance of ANIHEATER®
ANIHEATER® is 100% waterproof (IPX9K) and is able to resist the
power of a pressure washing. It is therefore not necessary to remove the ANIHEATER®
when cleaning, which saves a lot of time in the stable.
Wait 30 min. before cleaning or repairing ANIHEATER®
Before the repair and maintenance of ANIHEATER®, ensure that the power is off
and the lamp has had a cooling time at least 30 minutes.
ANIHEATER® is in 4 parts - Wire net protection - heater with eletric wire and
plastic block - Dish and lamp housing. All parts can be replaced.
ANIHEATER® should not be used if ANIHEATER® have got injuries that have left
cracks / holes in ANIHEATER® / electric wire / connector / heater.
Inspect ANIHEATER® for damage regularly, however at least every six months.
Volt 220 – 240
100W – eller 150W
Vælg det stik/tilslutning
som passer til stald
Sæt indhold
Monterings sæt
`-10/+40 grader
IP Klasse
Fordele ved Aniheater
Reducerer strømforbrug
Reduktion af energiforbruget i stalde med op til 50%, når de kombineres med
vores kontakter
Bedre fordeling af varmen
Giver mere jævn fordeling af varme end traditionelle varmelamper. Det sikrer
bedre fødeindtagelse og højere overlevelsesrate blandt smågrise såvel som
reducerer brugen af medicin.
Vandtæt IPX9K godkendt
Nem at rengøre og vedligeholde. For at rense Aniheater® bruger du en
højtryksrenser, hvilket betyder at du ikke behøver at fjerne Aniheater®. Dette
hjælper med at opretholde et højt hygiejne niveau.
Lang levetid
Aniheater® bruger ikke glødelamper som traditionelle varmelamper
1 års garanti.
Lav brandrisiko
Aniheater® arbejder ved en lavere temperatur end traditionelle varmelamper
som reducerer risikoen for brand.