PPI elevation [deg]
Setup an angle of antenna’s elevation during PPI mode.
PPI azimuth rotation speed [rpm]
Setup a rotation speed of azimuth in rotation per minutes (rpm). Parameters affect only to PPI mode.
SPI operation mode
Setup an elevation angle step and azimuth rotation speed.
For example, when the setting is shown as below , antenna will rotate at 2.99, 4.99 and 6.99 degrees.
Table 1: (Example of SPI (Spiral) operation)
SPI operation mode
2 [deg], 10 [rpm]
SPI lower elevation angle
2.99 [deg]
SPI horizontal scan rotation
1[deg],10.0[rpm] / 2[deg],10.0[rpm] / 4[deg],10.0[rpm] /
1[deg],16.0[rpm] / 2[deg],16.0[rpm] /
SPI lower elevation angle [deg]
Setup an angle of SPI lowest elevation.
SPI mode will start from setup angle to upper angle.
SPI horizontal scan rotation number
Setup a number of rotation in horizontal direction of SPI
It will move upward/downward as setup number while rotating on azimuth direction.
SRHI elevation speed [rpm]
Setup an elevation speed of SRHI (Sector RHI).
SRHI azimuth 0 [deg] - 1 [deg]
Setup an angle of start and end azimuth range.
It observes between SRHI azimuth 0 (start) to 1(end) continuously.
SRHI azimuth step [deg]
Setup a quantity of antenna rotation while changing an angle of azimuth.
SRHI elevation 0 [deg]
Setup an angle of elevation start and end to observe HSQ.
SRHI will start from elevation 1 to 2.
HSQ elevation movement azimuth rotation speed [rpm]
Setup an azimuth rotation speed until the elevation movement in HSQ (Horizontal Sequence)
HSQ elevation movement difference rotation speed [rpm]
Setup a rotation speed of elevation direction during elevation change in HSQ (Horizontal Sequence)
Rotation speed of elevation direction = [HSQ elevation movement azimuth rotation speed] + [HSQ
elevation movement difference of rotation speed]
Notice: [HSQ elevation movement azimuth rotation speed]
[HSQ elevation movement difference of
rotation speed]
HSQ measurement azimuth rotation speed [rpm]
Setup the HSQ azimuth rotation speed for each elevation.
HSQ status delay azimuth revolution [deg]
Setup angle ramp between elevation changes in HSQ observation.