Mounting Considerations
When selecting a mounting location for TZTBB, keep the following in mind:
• The temperature at the mounting location shall be between -15°C and +55°C (wire-
less LAN: 0°C and +55°C).
• The humidity at the mounting location shall be 93% or less at 40°C.
• Locate the unit away from exhaust pipes and ventilators.
• The mounting location should be well ventilated.
• Mount the unit where shock and vibration are minimal (comply with IEC 60945
• Keep the unit away from electromagnetic field generating equipment such as mo-
tors and generators.
• For maintenance and checking purposes, leave sufficient space around the unit and
leave slack in cables. Minimum recommended space is shown in the outline draw-
• A magnetic compass will be affected if the equipment is placed too close to it. Ob-
serve the compass safe distances shown in the SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS to pre-
vent disturbance to the magnetic compass.
Processor Unit
The processor unit MPU-002 can be mounted on the tabletop or a bulkhead. Refer to
the outline drawing for mounting dimensions. For bulkhead mounting, be sure the unit
bottom is oriented downward.
Tabletop/ bulkhead mount
1. Decide the munting location for the unit.
2. Make four pilot holes for self-tapping screws in the mounting location.
3. Screw the self-tapping screws (
6x20, 4 pcs.) into the pilot holes, leaving a clear-
ance of 5 mm.
4. Hang the unit on the screws.
5. Fasten all screws.