Antenna Unit (X-band Radar)
Installation Considerations
• The antenna unit is generally installed either on top of the wheelhouse or on the ra-
dar mast, on a suitable platform. Locate the antenna unit in an elevated position to
permit maximum target visibility.
• A line of sight from the antenna unit to the bow of the ship must hit the surface of
the sea in not more than 500 m or twice the ship’s length, depending whichever val-
ue is smaller, for all load and trim conditions.
• Install the antenna unit so that any blind sectors caused by objects (mast, etc.) are
kept to a minimum. A blind sector must not exist in arc of the horizon from right
ahead to 22.5° aft of the beam to either side (see the figure below). Also, individual
blind sectors of more than 5°, or the total arc of both blind sectors of more than 20°,
must not occur in the remaining arc (Figure 2). Note that any two blind sectors sep-
arated by 3° or less are regarded as one sector.
• Do not install the antenna where extreme winds may strike the port and starboard
sides of the antenna.
Do not apply paint, anti-corrosive sealant or contact
spray to coating or plastic parts of the equipment.
Those items contain organic solvents that can damage
coating and plastic parts, especially plastic connectors.
less than 500 m or twice the ship's length
Figure 1
Figure 2
less than 3°
a, b, c: less than 5° respectively
a+b+c+: less than 20°
a, b, c: less than 5° respectively
a+b+c+: less than 20°