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The Reference Series may also be rack mounted in a standard 19” rack by attaching the optional rack 
ears.  These rack ears mount parallel to the back of the Reference Series’ front panel.  These optional 
rack ears come with the necessary hardware and mounting instructions.  The RI-1210 requires a Furman 
HRKIT-7, while the RI-1220 requires a HRKIT-8.  Due to the weight of the Reference Series’ compo-
nents, we recommend mounting these units at the bottom of your rack.  
Once the unit is placed, the detachable AC cord must be attached to the rear panel IEC male socket.  
When facing the rear of the unit, it is located in the lower left-hand corner of the rear panel. Next, the 
male NEMA-15 connector must be plugged into the appropriate AC socket.  This AC cord will carry sub-
stantial unbalanced AC current, so it should be dressed away from critical signal carrying cables, or at 
the very least, crossed at a 90-degree angle.  All three-prong AC cords exiting the RI-1210 or RI-1220 
will radiate virtually no field at all, so their placement is not critical.   
The RI-1210 and RI-1220 feature additional filtering for digital components, or any component or proces-
sor with a switching power supply.  These four outlets are clearly labeled on the rear panel of your Refer-
ence unit.  The remaining six outlets are for analog components, (units without digital audio conversion, 
processing, or switching power supplies).  There is absolutely no danger in connecting any component 
(analog or digital) to either outlet; there is a subtle improvement in performance when they are con-
nected to their intended AC outlets.  For those who wish to experiment, you may find optimum perform-
ance is obtained through a less than obvious combination of digital and analog AC outlets.  Feel free to 
experiment or consult your dealer. 
Your RI-1210 or RI-1220 contains a precision AC voltmeter.  This meter continuously monitors the in-
coming AC voltage and is accurate /- 1.0 volts.  It should be understood that the purpose of Ref-
erence Series Isolated Symmetrical Power Conditioning is the reduction of AC power line noise.  The RI-
1210 and RI-1220 will not correct or compensate for fluctuating AC line 


.  For installations where 

AC voltage is commonly 2.5 volts above or below 120VAC, or continuously fluctuates by 2 VAC or more, 
the inclusion of a 



Reference Series AC Power Regulator

 – RA-1210 (10 Amp) or RA-1220 (20 

Amp) is highly recommended. 
For installations in very high altitudes, or where static electricity is problematic, we have included a static 
discharge circuit.  The circuit is activated with a small slide switch located on the rear panel, above the 
IEC AC power input connector.  It bleeds a very small amount of the incoming earth ground to the other-
wise totally isolated AC outlet grounds.  It is rare for an installation to require this feature, so the unit 
should always be tried first with the switch in the 


 position.  However, if a tiny static crackling sound 

occurs in 30 – 60 minute intervals, switching the discharge circuit to the on position will eliminate the 
problem.  This slight crackling sound is the result of an amplifier’s power supply discharging a very low 
current – high voltage build-up due to the RI-1210 or RI-1220’s total isolation from the incoming AC 
power grounds in an environment prone to generating gross static electricity.   

Ground Fault Interrupter (GFCI) 

As the RI-1210 and RI-1220 incorporate Isolated Symmetrical – Balanced Power, it is necessary to guard 
against catastrophic failure in Reference components.  Under normal conditions, Symmetrical Balanced 
Power is safe for use in any home or professional installation.  With the addition of Furman’s 



Symmetrical Technology

, any form of electrical shock (under normal use) is a virtual impossibility.  

Never the less, to safeguard against even the most remote electrical abnormalities, we have included a 
GFCI (ground fault interrupter) as an integral component within the Reference units output circuit.  This 
GFCI will immediately disconnect the output voltage when it detects in excess of five milli-amps current 
flow from either line potential to ground.  This ensures that even if one of your components experiences 
a catastrophic failure, there will be no possibility of electric shock resulting from the normal recom-
mended use of the RI-1210 or RI-1220. 

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