Bluetooth Adapter
This symbol marks out the currently paired user profile.
This symbol marks a user profile that was already paired with the adapter
but is not currently paired.
Pressing the Options button in the Change user menu allows you to access the
User options submenu for the respective user.
Changing to a known user profile
The pairing process with the telephone is started by selecting and confirming a
known user profile. A connection to Bluetooth that already exists with another
device is hereby disconnected. If a Bluetooth connection with the telephone
cannot be established or if it is interrupted, the Bluetooth adapter changes back
to the Change user menu.
Establishing a new phone as a user profile
Establishing a new user profile can be performed by selecting a free user profile
in the Change user menu. This is then selected and the Accept button (1) is pres-
sed. Now the automatic device search begins. Also see the „Pairing a new device“
A telephone can also be paired via a user profile that already exists, thus overwri-
ting the existing profile. For this, select the existing user profile and press the
Options button (5). You are now in the User options submenu. Use the buttons
Scroll forwards (4) and Scroll back (3) to select the device search menu item and
start the device search with the Accept button (1). Also see the „Pairing a new
device“ section.
User options
Pressing the Options button in the Change user menu allows you to access the
User options submenu for the respective user.
With a paired user profile, the Bluetooth connection is disconnected when the
"Logout" item is selected.
After the logout process, the Bluetooth adapter is once again in the Change user
menu and the symbol in front of the user profile shows that the current user is
no longer paired.
Please refer to the Call transfer section to learn about how to log out during an
active call.