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mbos2a2 (06.09.2012)
Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
mbos2a2 (06.09.2012)
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Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
The Major BOS 2b2 includes a encoder for Tone Call 1 and Tone Call 2. The tone calls are sent with
the corresponding keys of the keypad. The tone is sent as long as the button is pushed.
Recording Conversations
Via the installed tape recorder output the recording of conversations is possible. The interface
comprises a potential-free AF output as well as a potential-free contact (electronic relay) to control
a recording device.
Several Control Sets in Parallel Circuit
As the AF outputs are only cut in during transmission and the NF inputs are high-impedance, several
Major BOS 2a2 can be connected in parallel. To achieve this two configurations are possible:
a) If the junction box MBOS2AB1 is used, every Major BOS 2a2 is connected with his own box.
Subsequently, all connections to the radios (TX-AF, RX-AF, squelch and PTT keying) are connected
in parallel between the junction boxes.
b) If the junction box MBOS2AB6 is used, up to 6 control sets (Major BOS 2a2) can be connected
via one juction box.
Here, the busy-lines for the four radio circuits, that are only connected between the control sets, fulfil
a special task:
Every control set, that is connected to the busy-line, is able to recognize if the respective circuit is
already occupied by another control set (flashing of the selection indicator). An occupied circuit is
blocked and cannot be addressed by other control panels. All Majors can be muted while a busy-line
is active in order to avoid feedback.
Operating in FMS mode
With the software option "Encoder/Decoder" Major BOS 2a2 can be extended to a FMS control panel.
Possible FMS functions are the ID transmission at PTT keying and the transmission of up to two
arbitrary, programmed FMS telegrams (e.g. conversation request) using the two call buttons. in this
case, these are, of course, no longer available to transmit call 1 or call 2.
By conneting our FMS handset Commander 5 FMS to the D-Sub connector for external conversation
devices (handpiece or headset), the Major becomes ready for FMS use.
Here, the FMS handset can also be used as an alternative to the usual handpiece of the Major.
Therefor, the PTT output of the Commander 5 FMS must be configured to GND.