Insert the axle bolt through the hole in the wheel bracket
on the underside of the tank (Fig. 4).
From the inside of the wheel bracket, place a flat washer,
then a spring washer onto the axle bolt. Fasten the wheel
bolt in position with a nut (nuts and washers supplied)
(Fig. 5).
The size of both the nut and bolt head are 17mm.
Clip the wheel cap (19) onto the outer face of the wheel
(3) (Fig. 6).
Repeat steps 1 to 6 with the second wheel.
Fitting the supporting feet
Insert one of the
supporting foot bolts (24)
up through a supporting
foot (4) (Fig. 7).
Place a flat washer onto
the supporting foot bolt
(24) (Fig. 8).
Insert the supporting foot bolt up through the hole in one
of the front brackets, on the underside of the tank (Fig. 9).
From the inside of the supporting foot bracket, place the
washer onto the bolt. Fasten the assembly in place with
the nut (nuts, bolts and washers supplied) (Fig. 10).
The size of both the nut and bolt head are 14mm.
Repeat steps 1 to 4 with the second supporting foot.
ASSEMBLY (cont.)
Fig. 4
Fig. 8
Fig. 7
Fig. 5
Fig. 9
Fig. 6
Fig. 10