to split one laser beam - to accurately set 90 degrees. ie. Rotating beam in one axis
and laser dot in the other, setting squaring.
The laser dot cannot be picked up with your detector. You need a target plate.
Our recommendation is to use a small piece, say 300mm long white contiplas board,
6- 9 ins wide or similar. Using a black marker pen, draw a vertical line down the
middle of the board. The white surface is an ideal target to “pick-up” the red (or
green) dot at distance, even in bright sunlight. Hold the end face of the target board
down onto the concrete footings, align the dot onto the black line and mark the
concrete accordingly at appropriate intervals.
This has set 90 degree squaring.
User Tips
Do not mount the laser level in “
” on a surveying tripod. It must be
positioned directly onto the concrete surface. If mounted on a tripod, it can potentially
introduce an error or inaccuracy to the 90 degree squaring procedure.
Dot axis alignment:
Depending on your make/model of laser level, most have a light house cover over the
prism with glass windows. When setting the laser dot axis, the depth of this cover
(usually around 20-40mm) prevents you from running your line back to the datum
*mark*. So simply mark two positions say 100mm & 1m away from the laser level &
strike a line back under the laser’s cover to the datum *mark* to give the intersection
of both axis.
Fukuda FRE-203X laser level models with Squaring facility:
Applicable models are:
If you have any further questions or need more advice, then please contact our
Technical Team on 08000 869 769.
Laser Levels Online / www.laser-level.co.uk