Dual Grading:
A rotary laser level with dual grading facility can be used for setting out driveways,
carparks or areas with slopes (falls) in BOTH the X & Y axis.
The same procedure is adopted as above for drainage runs except a second step in the
process is undertaken to set the laser to a fall in the other axis to complete the dual
grade setting-out.
True Grade Lasers:
The only difference when using a true grade rotary laser level (to the above
procedure) is that actual grade, % slope values can be entered into either the keypad
or remote control for the laser & then it will automatically move the angle of the
rotating prism head to that exact value. Again this can be in a single axis for drainage
runs or for more complex dual grading applications.
Cut & Fill Machine control work:
If slopes of more than 10% (1:10) are required, which is outside the range of
electronic adjustment of the rotary laser’s head; then simply switch the laser to
Manual & fit a “Laser Grade Adapter” between the top face of the tripod & the base
of the laser. Then set the required slope. Search via our website - for more details.
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