MMB Web-UI (Web User Interface) Operations
1.5 [Network Configuration] Menu
TABLE 1.100 Setting and display items in the [IPv6 Interface] window (PRIMEQUEST 2800B2/2800B)
MMB IP Address
IP Address
Sets the virtual IPv6 IP address for Web-UI access.
Sets the host name in FQDN format.
You can enter the following characters:
[a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], - (hyphen), . (period).
Only the above characters can be specified.
Also, the following restrictions apply:
The character string must begin with an alphabetic character.
The character string cannot begin or end with the following character specified:
(hyphen) or . (period).
The default is "PRIMEQUEST" + Product Serial Number.
For example, if the serial number is 1020516004, the character string is
The setting in FQDN format is not required if you are not operating on the domain.
Automatic Acquisition
Automatically acquires data with a click of the [Auto] button. The global address,
prefix length, and gateway IP address are automatically acquired to overwrite
existing data.
IP Address
Sets the IP address.
Prefix Length
Sets the prefix length.
Gateway address
Sets the gateway IP address.
DNS (optional)
Sets whether to use the DNS server.
To use the DNS, select Enable.
The default is Disable.
DNS Server 1
Sets the IP address of the Primary DNS server.
DNS Server 2
Sets the IP address of the Secondary DNS server.
DNS Server 3
Sets the IP address of the Third DNS server.
Management LAN
Duplicates the management LAN.
The default is Disable.
Maintenance IP Address
Sets whether to enable or disable the CE/REMCS LAN interface.
The default is Disable.
IP Address
Sets the IP address.
Prefix Length
Sets the prefix length.
Gateway address
Sets the gateway IP address.
SMTP address
Sets the SMTP IP address.
Internal IP Address
Sets whether to enable or disable the Internal LAN interface.
The default is Disable.
IP Address
Sets the IP address.
Prefix Length
Sets the prefix length.