32 Chapter 4. Using the Generator Command
Starting the J Adapter Class Generator
Command Syntax
When the constructor/method/field is not specified:
java2cob [-classpath
class-path] [-d output-folder] [-ov] [-om] [-oi] [-c{s|u}] [-
n]] [-t] class-name/interface-name ...
When the constructor/method/field is specified:
java2cob [-classpath
class-path] [-d output-folder] [-ov] [-oi] [-c{s|u}] [-s[n]] [-
t] –r
class-name/interface-name [-gc ["constructor-name [(parameter-type)]
[,...]"]] [-gm ["
method-name [(parameter-type)] [,...]"]] [-gf [field-name [,...]]]
When the optional file is specified:
java2cob -i
Notes on Describing the Command
The clause that is enclosed by square brackets can be omitted.
Symbol of the curly brackets indicates selection of clause that is delimited by "|".
Dot (...) indicates repeated specification.
Italic type indicates variable character string.
Specifies the Java class/interface search path. When specifying two or more folders,
separate them with a semicolon ";".
When this option is specified, environment variable CLASSPATH is ignored.
This option must be specified right after the java2cob command.
Specifies the code used for execution. Specify the same code as the COBOL
program that uses Java classes. The default is native code.
-cs: native code is used for the execution-time code.
-cu: Unicode is used for the execution-time code.
Specifies the folder to which an adapter class source is output. The default is the
current folder.
-gc ["
constructor-name [(parameter-type)] [,...]"]
Specify the constructor name generated as an adapter class, for the last class-
name/interface-name specified before this option. If the constructor name is
omitted, all of the constructors within the corresponding class/interface are