Chapter 3. Developing Programs 21
When an application uses only the println (Object) method of the java.io.PrintStream
class, specify as follows:
C:\> java2cob -r java.io.PrintStream -gm "println(java.lang.Object)"
Specifying the -om Option or the "Option ReduceClass"
Specifying the -om option or the "Option ReduceClass" parameter can reduce the
number of adapter classes generated. To check for parameter validity at method
invocation, the J adapter class generator generates adapter classes corresponding to
individual parameters. Thus many adapter classes are generated for one class.
When the -om option or the "Option ReduceClass" parameter is specified, all object-
type method parameters are mapped to the java-lang-Object class. This function
suppresses the generation of adapter classes corresponding to the method
parameters and thereby reduces the number of adapter classes generated.
When the method of the adapter class generated with the -om option or the
"Option ReduceClass" parameter specified is invoked, BY CONTENT must be
specified as an object reference parameter.
When the -om option or the "Option ReduceClass" parameter is specified, the
object reference types of method parameters excluding the return value become
java-lang-Object and therefore the original parameter types become uncertain.
Therefore, for a parameter whose object reference type becomes java-lang-
Object, a parameter name is generated according to the following rules so that
the original type information is included in the parameter name.
P is followed by a parameter serial number (1 to 99).
The hyphen "-" is followed by an external class name excluding a package name
after conversion into uppercase.
A parameter name exceeding 30 characters is truncated after the 30th character.
When the -om option or the "Option ReduceClass" parameter is not specified,
adapter class source java-io-PrintStream.cob of the java.io.PrintStream class
becomes as shown below, and the java-io-OutputStream class is required.
CLASS J-OUTPUTSTREAM AS "java-io-OutputStream"
When the -om option or the "Option ReduceClass" parameter is specified, the
parameter becomes the java-lang-Object type. Therefore, the java-io-OutputStream
class is not required or generated.