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10. Common questions concerning forehead temperature:
1). What is the forehead temperature?
Forehead temperature is the same temperature as the arterial blood supply under the
skin. It is the best determinate of body temperature, and unaffected by the artificial errors
and time delays of oral and rectal methods.
2). How to take forehead temperature properly?
Gently touch the probe to center of forehead .Make sure remove anything covering the
area to be measured (hair .hat .wig .and bandages). Failure to do so may insulate the
area, resulting in false readings. Press the “SCAN” button on the thermometer for the
3). Why is a forehead temperature is more accurate than ear temperature?
Ear thermometers are considered inaccurate because the positioning of the probe in the
ear canal might affect the accuracy. The forehead thermometer scans the forehead area
for temperature given off by the arterial blood supply under the skin without worrying
about correct positioning. The gentle scan is comfortable and not invasive.
Measurement method
Normal temperature range
Fever temperature range
NOTED: Measurements for
some adults may be lower
than 35.0
A temperature that is 0.6~0.8
)higher than usual. It is
highly recommended that you use
our IR Forehead Thermometer to
establish the normal temperature
range for each person.
or higher (100.4
or higher)
This Infrared thermometer is guaranteed for 2 years from the purchasing date under normal
use .The warranty does not cover the damage of improper use or the battery running out. If
the unit does not function properly due to defective parts or assembly, we will repair it free of
charge or replace with a new one. We will provide circuit diagrams, component part lists,
Temperature measurements are impacted by the type of measurement method used.