3. Scan the QR code below to download the iHelp Mobile APP
Scan the QR code below to download the iHelp 3G
Mobile App.
You may visit the Apple App Store to download the
Mobile App.
Simply go to Apple App Store and search for ”iHelp 3G”
to download the App.
4. Once the App is installed, click on
to activate the APP
5. The following steps help to quickly set up the GPS Tracker.
Configuration is done via SMS. Whenever “Send the SMS” is pressed, your mobile sends out a SMS to the iHelp
Tracker to configure the settings. The iHelp Tracker then responses back with a SMS, confirming the setting.
- If no SMS is received from the iHelp Tracker, check that network is available. Bring iHelp Tracker near to a
window or a place where there is direct line of sight of the sky to ensure network availability.