PC based Programmer
The FSK TX C Setup utility is a Windows ® based programmer which is used as the primary
means of programming the TXC+.
The TXC+ programmer requires a PC running Windows XP or Windows 7 with an available COM
Port (a USB to Serial Adapter can also be used). The FSK programming cable and RS232 converter
is required to program the TXC+ (see Appendix E)
Handheld Programmer
The FSK Handheld Programmer is a programming and diagnostics tool which can be used with the
When the TXC+ is used in conjunction with the handheld Programmer in diagnostics mode, any
problems connecting to the GSM network can be determined.
SMS Programming
Many of the settings on the TXC+ can be changes by sending a SMS to the unit. The SMS
commands are shown in Appendix A.