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P a g e
If the Router is fitted with a GSM Module, GSM antennas should be plugged into
the unit. The antenna connector is a SMA type. The antenna should preferably be
mounted externally to the control room. The antenna should be mounted so that
the GSM signal strength is greater than 24 (see the section on GSM).
The RS232 connection is used to send an incoming alarm to the monitoring
computer at the control room. The bottom RS232 connector is connected to the
computer. The RS232 should be connected using the cable supplied. The RS232
connections are as shown in Appendix A.
The Router has three alarm formats which can be transmitted using the serial port,
FSK Standard, FSK Extended or FSK7 (Contact ID). Refer to Appendix A.
Be sure that the correct format has been chosen (refer to the section on
Programming). The monitoring software should be compatible with the selected
RS232 format.
If a printer is required, it is connected via the DB25 (male) to Centronix cable
required. A purpose-made printer cable should always be used. Do not attempt to
make your own.
The standard printer connections are shown in Appendix B.
Note that a printer will slow down the operation of receiving a large number of
alarms (2+ alarms per second) due to the slow nature of the printer.
The fuse is used to protect the internal circuitry from the battery in the event of a
failure. Only use a 20mm glass, 10A, Fast Blow fuse.