Disconnect the flexline running to the oil-return manifold at the rear of the fryer as well as the
pump suction flexline at the end of the filter pan connection (see photo below). On some models a
third flexline may need to be disconnected.
Disconnect flexlines indicated by the arrows.
Loosen the nut and bolt that secures the bridge to the oil-return manifold.
Remove the cover plate from the front of the motor and disconnect the motor wires.
Unplug the pump motor assembly 6-pin connector C-2.
Remove the two nuts and bolts which secure the front of the bridge to the cross brace and carefully
slide the bridge rearward off the cross brace until its front end can be lowered to the floor. Undo
the single nut holding it in place in back. Be careful not to let the rear of the bridge slip off the
manifold at this point.
Get a good grip on the bridge, carefully pull it forward off the oil-return manifold, and lower the
entire assembly to the floor. Once on the floor, pull the assembly out the front of the fryer.
When required service has been completed, reverse steps 3-8 to reinstall the bridge.
black motor wires go on the top terminal, the white on the bottom. The red/black heater tape wires
go into position 3 and the violet/white wires go into position 6 (see illustration below).
Reconnect the unit to the electrical power supply, and verify that the pump is functioning correctly
(i.e., when a filter handle is placed in the ON position, the motor should start and there should be
strong suction at the intake fitting and outflow at the rear flush port.)