Required system
The OPT/i WF Twin Torch Change (4,101,171,IK) option must be installed in the twin wire
Twin welding system with conventional robot
TXi TWIN torch body change station
Upright console 4,044,030
Wall-mounted console 4,044,038
Fieldbus connection (optional)
ProfiNet 4,100,707
ProfiBus 4,100,127
DeviceNet 4,100,331
EtherCAT 4,100,539
Torch body coupling 44,0350,3985
Twin - Single adapter MTB TPSi 44,0350,4117 (optional)
Wire cutter V 44,0450,1027
Twin torch body MTB 2x500i
44,0350,5500,636 MTB 2x500i PA/30°/L328/11°/TX
44,0350,5504,636 MTB 2x500i PA/30°/L328/8°/TX
44,0350,5501,636 MTB 2x500i PB 30°/L328/11°/TX
44,0350,5505,636 MTB 2x500i PB 30°/L328/8°/TX
44,0350,5503,636 MTB 2x500i PA 45°/L328/11°/TX
44,0350,5506,636 MTB 2x500i PA 45°/L328/8°/TX
44,0350,5502,636 MTB 2x500i PB 45°/L328/11°/TX
44,0350,5507,636 MTB 2x500i PB 45°/L328/8°/TX
Application Ex
(5) (6)