6. Front Panel Installation
Ventilation Kit (DVKA)
Ventilation Kit connection flange (DVKB)
Fan motor
1. Ventilation duct(
Diameter, Ø5.9 inch and length, 4 m is the requirement and middle duct bending should be less
than once. When using the duct not insulated(spiral, flat duct and etc.), the insulation should be
done and the thickness of the insulation should be more than 0.5 in.
2. Ventilation fan motor(
The fan motor should have 9.76 In³/h of wind, and less than 1A of operation current at
0.590551 inchH
O and should be installed in the middle of the duct(78.7 inch). (This
measurement is based on the duct diameter, Ø5.9 inch and length, 157) Fan motor should be
insulated or the insulation work should be done and the thickness of the insulation should be
more than 0.5 inch.
3. Filter(
Less than 4~5 Mesh recommended.
Hood and ventilation fan motor, filter and duct should be purchased and installed by a user(an installer).
1. All the components of the duct should be precisely insulated and when connecting
between each component, sealing must be done precisely.
2. The outdoor duct should be installed to bend downward to outdoor, so that
rainfalls couldn’t come in. (The inclination should be 1/100 to 1/50)
3. To prevent small animals like birds, mice and etc. or insects, please install net to
the outdoor air inflow inlet.
4. When the metal duct penetrates the wooden wall, please electrically insulate
between duct and the wall. (Please install plastic sleeve and etc. to insulate.)
5. Consider surroundings since the contaminated substances and bad smell from
outside may come inside through the duct.
6. Don’t install duct between two or more indoor units which are located in separated
room. In case of fire, harmful substances can be spread to the others rooms.
(Refer to the picture in the next page.)
7. When installing the duct, do not install as below.
2) To bend the duct too many times
3) To reduce the duct diameter
1) To bend the duct excessively
• If a wrong fan motor was chosen, decrease of ventilation, damageto the
machine and fire may occur.
• Be sure to use the fan motor with the safety certification specification.