Installation and operation 5
Maintenance Bypass PMC12 1 - 3 kVA
5.3 Installation
The maintenance bypass for the PMC12 System
can be installed in different ways. Choose the type
of installation best suited to your requirements.
The first installation steps are identical for all types
of installation.
1. Unpack the bypass and keep the packaging
materials for possible future use.
2. Inspect the equipment for shipping damage.
Report any shipping damage found to the for-
warder or our service department.
3. Make sure that the supplied cables are suit-
able for the connectors of your UPS.
4. Shut down the load connected to the UPS and
disconnect the load from the UPS. Shut down
the UPS and switch it off. Disconnect the UPS
from the mains.
5. Hardware installation varies with the installa-
tion position chosen.
(1) Rack installation
Screw mounting plate 1 from fig. 4 onto the main-
tenance bypass as shown in fig. 3.
(2) Installation behind the UPS
The maintenance bypass is installed on the rear of
the UPS as shown in fig. 5.
(3) Wall installation
Screw mounting plate 3 (fig. 6) onto the mainte-
nance bypass as shown in fig. 7.
6. Make sure that the bypass switch is set to
bypass ("Utility"). Connect the bypass input to
the mains ("Utility" connector); the orange
lamp on the bypass lights up.
7. Connect the UPS input cable to the socket on
the bypass marked "CONNECT UPS LINE
8. Connect the "TO UPS OUTPUT" connector on
the bypass to the UPS output connector.
9. Connect the load to the outputs ("Output") on
the bypass. The load is now supplied with
power via the bypass.
10. Switch on the UPS as described in the UPS
manual. Once the UPS is operational, the
green lamp on the bypass lights up.
11. You can now switch the bypass to "UPS". The
UPS now protects the load.
Fig. 4 Mounting plate 1 for rack installation
Fig. 5 Installation behind UPS