Elektra C
Frico AB
Box 102
SE-433 22 Partille
försäkrar och intygar att nedanstående produkter
Fläktluftvärmare, serie Elektra
Typ: ELC331, ELC623, ELC633, ELC923 och
uppfyller kraven enligt följande direktiv:
EC Directive Electromagnetic Compatibility
(EMC) 89/336 /EEC, 92/31 EEC & 93/68/EEC
EC Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 73/23/EEC &
93/68 EEC
och är tillverkade i enlighet med följande
EMC: EN 50 014-1/2
EN 61 000-3-2/3
EN 55 104
LVD: EN 60 335-1
EN 60 335-2-30
Partille, 8 oktober 2003
Mats Careborg
Teknisk chef
Frico AB
Box 102
guarantee that our products are manufactured
in compliance with applicable international
standards and regulations.
We confirm that the following products:
Fan heater Elektra series
Type: ELC331, ELC623, ELC633, ELC923 and
comply with the following EC-directives:
EC Directive Electromagnetic Compatibility
(EMC) 89/336 /EEC, 92/31 EEC & 93/68/EEC
EC Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 73/23/EEC &
93/68 EEC
This machinery must not be put into operation
until the machinery into which it is incorporated
has been declared to be in conformity with the
EC Machinery Directive.
The following harmonized standards are in use:
EMC: EN 50 014-1/2
EN 61 000-3-2/3
EN 55 104
LVD: EN 60 335-1
EN 60 335-2-30
Complete technical documentation is available.
Partille, 8th of October 2003
Mats Careborg
Technical Manager