S70-200 OM
Page 11
PROGRAM (OPTION) (continued)
The new setpoints provided on this display allow monitor-
ing of compressor superheat and condensing in the sepa-
rator. The following setpoints apply to the monitoring of the
superheat and condensing in the separator.
ALARM/(SHUTDOWN) -The Alarm/(shutdown) setpoints
select the conditions for an alarm or shutdown. If alarm is
selected, the alarm will occur after a 30 second delay. If
shutdown is selected, the shutdown will occur 60 seconds
after the alarm.
OFFSET - This setpoint is the degrees F above the satura-
tion point temperature where the alarm or shutdown will
ACT - The function selects whether the alarm/shutdown is
activated or not.
Use the [STEP] key to step to the desired setpoint, then
press the [CHANGE] key to change the setpoint. Press [EN-
TER] when all desired setpoint changes have been made.
SETBACK DISPLAY: Tue 04-10-90 08:44:50
Press Setpoint-[25.3g ] F1 To Exit
Temp Setpoint—[+50.0F] Active-[No ]
Stop Start Start Stop
Mon-[—:—}-[—:—] Fri-[—:—]-[—:—]
Tue-[—:—}-[—:—] Sat-[—:—]-[—:—]
Wed-[—:—}-[—:—] Sun-[—:—]-[—:—]
The Setback Display is accessed by pressing the [F3] key.
PRESS SETPOINT - The capacity control setpoint used
when in the Setback mode and Pressure is selected as the
capacity control desired.
TEMP SETPOINT - The capacity control setpoint used when
in the Setback mode and Temperature is selected as the
capacity control desired.
NOTE: To change the Setback setpoints, refer to “TO
The Auto Cycle display provides for independently adjus-
table setpoints to turn the compressor on and off in response
to the suction pressure or as an adjustable setpoint to limit
the minimum slide valve position. The compressor can be
started and stopped by the following pressure setpoints even
if the capacity control is selected to temperature.
AUTO CYCLE PRESS Tue 04-10-90 08:44:57
DISPLAY: Press F1 To Exit
Suction Pressure--------[06.5 g ]
Comp Start - [99.0 g } Timer—[00 min]
Comp Stop— [29.0 hg] Timer—[00 min]
Min SV———[50%]
Active———[No ] * for Temp Menu
NOTE: To change the Auto Cycle setpoints, refer to “TO
SUCTION PRESSURE - Constantly monitors and displays
the suction pressure in pounds per square inch gauge (g)
or inches of mercury (hg).
COMP START - The suction pressure must be greater than
or equal to the “START” setpoint in order to start the com-
pressor. This setpoint works in conjunction with the “TIMER”
setpoint located to the right of it on the display.
TIMER - This is a time delay used to start the compressor.
The timer only accumulates time whenever the pressure
rises to or above the “START” setpoint and will reset if the
pressure drops below the “START” setpoint.
COMP STOP - Compressor Stop will shut down the unit if
the suction pressure drops to or below the displayed “STOP”
setpoint limit. This setpoint works in conjunction with the
“TIMER” setpoint located to the right of it on the display.
NOTE: This limit must be set higher than Low Suction
Pressure Cutout and the Low Suction Pressure Alarm
(STOP) TIMER - The (stop) TIMER is a time delay used to
stop the compressor. The timer only accumulates time when-
ever the pressure drops to or below the “STOP” setpoint
and will reset if the pressure rises above the “STOP” set-
MINIMUM SLIDE VALVE - Minimum Slide Valve Position,
shown as a percentage, will limit the slide valve position to
the displayed setpoint.
ACTIVE - Indicates whether Auto Cycle is active or not. Press
the [CHANGE] key while at this setpoint to change the sta-
tus. Upon deactivation, the compressor will return to the
previous mode of operation.
AUTO CYCLE TEMP Tue 04-10-90 08:45:40
DISPLAY: Press F1 To Exit
Cap Control Temperature—[+50.5 F]
Comp Start-[+50.0 F] Timer—[01 min]
Comp Stop—[+20.0 F] Timer—[01 min]
Min SV——[50%]
Active——[Yes] * for Press Menu
The Auto Cycle Temperature Control Display is accessed
by pressing F4 and then the * keys. NOTE: The compres-
sor can be started and stopped by the following tem-
perature setpoints even if the capacity control is se-
lected to pressure.
CAP CONTROL TEMPERATURE - Constantly monitors and
displays the suction temperature.
COMP START - The CC (capacity control) Temperature must
*Display for illustrative purposes only.