Fuglebakken 119 | 5210 Odense NV server address by standard).
DHCP Option
To display and configure custom DHCP option.
DHCP option: If configured, IP Phone will use
designated DHCP option to get Auto Provisioning
server’s address via DHCP.
This setting requires DHCP server to support
corresponding option.
Manual Update
To display and configure manual update
server’s settings.
URL: Auto provisioning server address.
User name: Configure if server needs an username
to access, otherwise left blank.
Password: Configure if server needs a password to
access, otherwise left blank.
Common AES Key: Used for IP phone to decipher
common Auto Provisioning configuration file.
AES Key (MAC): Used for IP phone to decipher MAC-
oriented auto provisioning configuration file (for
example, file name could be 0c1105888888.cfg if IP
phone’s MAC address is 0c1105888888).
AES is one of many encryption, it should be
configured only if configure file is ciphered with AES,
otherwise left blank.
To display and configure Auto Provisioning mode settings.
This Auto Provisioning mode is actually self-explanatory.
For example, m
ode “Power on” means IP phone will go to
do Provisioning every time it powers on.
System Log
To display system log level and export system log file.
System log level: From level 0~7.The higher level
means the more specific system log is saved to a
ry file. By default, it’s level 3.
Export Log: Click to export temporary system log file
to local PC.
To start, stop packets capturing or to export captured
Packet file.
Start: To start capturing all the packets file sent or
received from IP phone.
Stop: To stop capturing packets.
: IP phone will save captured packets file to a
temporary file, this file maximum size is 1M(megabytes),
and will top capturing once reaching this maximum size.