The maximum take-off weight of the X-LIGHT is 330 kg ( 2 x 100 kg Pilot/Passenger). This
means empty weight plus mass pilot plus fuel and plus baggage. Shall subsequently
equipment installed which increase the empty weight, the load must be reduced. The pilot is
responsible for compliance with the maximum takeoff weight.
Maximum Take-Off Weight
300 kg! at Relax 25
Maximum Take Off Weight
437 kg! at X-Wing EVO 28 RS
The maximum allowable CG positions must not be exceeded. If the trike is flown single seat,
the front seat must be used. The pilot weight must be minimum 45 kg up to 100 kg.
The rear seat is rated for a minimum of 0 kg up to 100 kg.
The UL Paratrike is designed in strength for maneuver in which loads only between the "Safe
load factor" of +4 G and a minimum load of + 0.5G occur .
- All aerobatic maneuvers are FORBIDDEN!
- Turning flight angles greater than 60 ° is also FORBIDDEN !!