Pots ‘n’ sockets PCB
Solder all resistors
Place all sockets on the PCB, making sure the ground tabs line up with the PCB’s
ground pads, then place the panel over them. This will assure that the sockets are
correctly positioned. Flip the whole lot over and solder the sockets into place.
Place all pots on the PCB, and fold over their mounting tabs at the rear of the PCB,
then place the panel over them. This will assure that they are correctly positioned.
Flip the whole lot over and solder the pots into place.
Put all 3 LEDs through their pads
be careful here as there are two different
orientations. Present the panel to the PCB, flip the whole lot over, make sure the
LEDs stick though the holes in the panel, solder in place.
Cut female headers to size and solder them into place. Make sure that they stick out
of the bottom of the PCB.
Note: Not all pots and sockets are equal in height. Providing you use the ones in the links
provided, everything will line up perfectly.
sure that you plug the
Main PCB
into the
Pots ‘n’
sockets PCB
the right way around
Infinitely Maybe logo should be the right way up.